Saturday, October 20, 2007

Training Next Generation

From the days of Elijah and Elisha onward, prophetic leaders have recognized the importance and urgency of developing and investing in the next generation of leaders through educational efforts. The Elisha narrative of the floating axe head illustrates the marvel of the miraculous in the midst of the mundane. “Alas master it was borrowed” rings with the cry of distress of one who was responsible for a vital tool owned by someone else who expected it to be returned. Elisha’s intervention served the need of the individual and provided a necessary piece of equipment for the construction of the School of the Prophets. The Prophet’s presence demonstrated his personal support of the project and by association, the favor of the Lord. Elisha was investing in future generations in need of direction and guidance.

A vision for the training of the next generation cries out for attention. Not everyone is called to attend the School of the Prophets (called to the ministry), but in the North American culture, the generation of young people being educated in secular institutions are largely turning away from Christ and lost to the kingdom of God. Anecdotal evidence to the contrary could be found, but the reality remains that the influences within our culture, particularly on the secular campuses undermine faith, encourage skepticism, and feed the pluralistic appetite of a world without a biblical worldview and committed to tolerance of everything except Christian faith. Others have documented the results. (See page 9 of )

What can we do as Spirit-led leaders to turn this toward a future that can train our youth in a biblical worldview without turning our backs on the culture that needs salt and light?


Anonymous said...

I have recently completed reading the histories & ministries of Maria Woodworth-Etter, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman. Smith Wigglesworth, and others who saw powerful moves of God in their times.

In their generations the lost and those disenchanted with religion and the Church were just as prevelant and they are today.

When they prayed and submitted their lives to Christ whatever the cost... and there is always a cost for His favor... God showed His face and moved mightily upon them.

They would pray, preach the full gospel (old-time religion) of Christ as Savior, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and the Coming King. People would fall under conviction and the fear of God would come upon the crowds. Some taught in the strong hell-fire manner of Billy Sunday. Others in gentle manners and words, but with the truth of passionate love of Christ for the lost fueling their words and delivery.

People recognize truth... they may refuse to accept it... but the Holy Spirit allows them to know it when they hear it. When passionate & compassionate prayers for salvation and God's favor went up, the power came down and signs & wonders followed as promised. Healings, deliverances and salvations witnessed to God's eternal and almighty ability and love. The people were inevitably moved at all ages and through all times and eras.

Some chose death and judgment. Some were not healed. Some remained unchanged. But multitudes WERE moved to change and receive the Savior, Healer, Baptizer and King.

Is Jesus the same yeterday,today and forever, or not? Is He the Great I AM or the Late-Great I was?

I am a long time subscriber that is it not about religion... it is about relationship. It's not WHAT you know as much as WHO you know that makes the difference. Is it better programming and hooks that will draw crowds? Perhaps. But it is the Truth that will save them and the power of God evidenced through signs and wonders that will keep them.

Just a thought... Do we REALLY believe that if we genuinely and purposefully will seek Father's Face that we will receive His favor and see the promises of Pentecost with signs & wonders perpetuated? Or are we subconsciously (or even knowingly) afraid that what we profess will not manifest in these days? "What will people think of us if we get seriously spiritual?"

As for me, I know miracles happen and I expect nothing less if I am faithful and will deliberately seek His Face. More of Him means more of His favor and presence. We can't minister without Him and His power. People won't be truly saved without it, either. With Him, however, NOTHING will be impossible, right?

Respecfully submitted,
Rev. C.D. Weber
First AG - Greentown

Gerry Stoltzfoos said...

I hear you Pastor. We (the body of Christ in America) have a huge problem here. It's interesting to me that the Amish (where I come from) are said to keep more of their kids than we do.

One idea was something we did a few years ago, called World View Weekend, a ministry that brings in world class speakers on a range of issues pertinent to future college students. It trains youth and their parents on how to survive and thrive in public ed.

I hope to host this event (or something like it) again next summer.

Perhaps we should deliberately offer something like this to our churches.