Monday, September 24, 2007

Key Factors In Effective Coaching P1

It's exciting to see this new blog community launched. I am grateful to be part of it.

Since many of the contributors are leading Catalyst Groups, I thought I would theme my first few posts along the lines of our roles as leaders: COACHING.

Coaching is taking responsibility for the improvement of the life and the leadership of another.

It begins with a genuine commitment to someone's success. Barnabas was a great example of this in the book of Acts. He was committed to the success of Paul. He believed in him when others feared him. He gave him his first opportunities in ministry. He even stepped aside to let Paul become the front-runner in their missionary team.

This is the foundational motive of an effective coach. It's not saying, "I know more than you--so come sit at the feet of my great learning!" It's saying, 'I care about you and want to contribute whatever I have to your success.'

When a person shows that genuine commitment to your success, it is highly attractive. This is especially true of the person committed to you is older, more experienced, or more skilled in an area that could really help you.

Questions: Who is unconditionally committed to your success? Are you unconditionally committed to the success of those you are leading?

1 comment:

Paul said...

Great post, Jeff.

Question: Should everyone be coaching somebody, or is it just select leaders, like the names on the right side of this blog?