Sunday, October 14, 2007

How Can We Serve You?

It's been about 3 weeks since we launched Catalyst Leadership. Though this is not a 'hot topic' blog, we have had between 6-700 unique visitors and days with 1-200 visits.

We are here to serve you. We have no other reason to exist. Please take a look at the list of contributors and tell us where we can serve you. What do you want us to address? What topics will help you in your ministry?

Feel free to answer anonymously, or you can email me offline at

1 comment:

Gerry Stoltzfoos said...

What I am interested in is pretty simple, I guess. I am eager to express ideas, strategies, and concepts that have potential to get us to real cultural change in my lifetime.
I believe disciple-making churches are the ultimate answer, and that we need a lot more of them to get the job done.
So my answer is, I am interested in talking about how to get more churches started that get more people into Heaven. Period.