Does anyone have any truly great stuff on breaking the 100 barrier?
I have a number of leaders in my network who are up against this barrier, and are seeking any and everything I have on it. I am considering a conference on it at some point in the next 6 months, and would like to explore any great stuff you-all have found on it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
great stuff on the 100 barrier anyone?
Posted by
Gerry Stoltzfoos
4:22 PM
Monday, June 14, 2010
Leadership Principle
1. Do for ONE what you can't do for ALL
Often times leaders are reluctant to do anything when they cannot do it for anyone. This is a recipe for mediocrity in your organization and it will ultimately remove the leader from the very things that they need to be close to.
Here's how I apply this principle:
*I went and visited a church member in the hospital this morning even though I can't visit every member. I did for one what I can't do for all.
*I will perform only 5 marriages this year but that's all. I'll do some, but not all.
*I once gave a staff member a car who was in desperate need of transportation. I can't give all my staff vehicles, but I was in position to give one to one of them.
These are just a few examples of how this principle works. Don't let the naysayers and the masses determine what you do. Do for one what you can't do for all.
Posted by
David Crosby
2:58 PM
Labels: Leadership
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Brian Bolt, Brad Leach, and Jeff Leake will be teaching two modular classes his fall. The dates are:
September 17-19 (Pittsburgh)
October 29-31 (Philadelphia)
November 19-21 (Pittsburgh)
December 3-5 (Philadelphia)
Urban Evangelism and Church Planting
Strategies for evangelism and church development are examined and applied through case studies, field trips, contacts with resource persons, and student-led projects. The course will incorporate practical application of evangelism and church planting in the urban context.
The City and Missions
This course is an overview and analysis of the urban
context, with attention given to the biblical theology of mission to the city. Old and New Testament themes are explored.
In these classes you will discover how much God really cares for our cities in a variety of outreaches, care and share God’s Good News one-on-one, introduce Jesus to those living on the streets, pray for the sick, believe God for transformational miracles, serve nourishing food to the hungry, accompany seekers to a brand-new church, capture a glimpse of God at work in the cities, and allow God to instill a new vision for reaching the cities of America through your time with Brian, Brad, and Jeff.
Go to www.vfcc.edu/urbanministry for more information.
Posted by
11:40 PM
If you are interested in knowing if you may be wired to plant a church I encourage you to check out the Church Planter Pre-Assessment Center to help you discern your aptitude and readiness for church planting quickly and easily in an online environment.
Here is the web link: http://churchplanterprofiles.com
The Agency you should select is: Pennsylvania-Delaware Assemblies of God
This FREE Online Initial Screening Assessment will help assess your readiness in the areas of Church Planting Experience, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Ministry Experience and Relational Evangelism.
Posted by
11:28 PM
LifeStone Church Grand Opening
LifeStone Church is celebrating a tremendous Grand Opening this past Sunday. Church Planter Jack Thomas says, "The energy was high, the excitement was off the charts, and the journey has just begun!"
Here are some key statistics that are worth celebrating from today’s service:
* 230 people in attendance
* 44 kids in our KidsLife Ministry
* Many new faces from their community and surrounding communities!
* Many comments from people saying they loved church and are coming back next week!
Way to go Jack!
Click here to check out Jack's Blog.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Ideas so dumb somebody oughta be shot at sunrise
I know fully that we all care about the 83% of our communities that are lost. I believe we all love Jesus, and that there is no way to love Him without caring deeply about the lost.
But maybe we gave up. Maybe we don't believe that we can make a difference anymore. Maybe in our lack of ideas to fix it, we try not to think about it. Maybe we just try to quiet the raging sound of screaming souls slouching into Hell, by telling ourselves that we are doing our best. I know that I have personally struggled with each of these emotions.
But try as I may, I cannot keep myself from trying one more time to get something done about reducing the 83% to something less. I just can't. I hope you who are impatient with me, can forgive me for it.
So recently, I ask several more astute thinkers than me, to sit with me and help me come up with 10 crazy ideas that would create the sea change that would cause us to believe again, and get the job done with more efficiency.
I don't know that any of these ideas are great. But maybe if we start kicking around some reasonably bad ideas, God will have mercy on us and give us one truly great idea that has the potential to get it done. In that spirit, I offer some crazy stuff. You should know that the good ideas on this list, (if there are any) were not mine.
1. All of our churches gave at least 1% of their income to church planting
2. Re-structure our district slightly by creating an executive presbytery whose sole job was church planting and Kingdom growth.
3. Free school church planting school for those who are gifted to plant! Many of our college grads are simply too indebted to take a risk.
4. All Presbyters must have mothered a church in the past 3 years to be a presbyter.
5. New standards for 'sovreign' churches; missions giving, baptizing new converts every year, and supporting church planting. Otherwise they go back to Home Missions status until these things are solved.
6. Create a District Church Planting school to equip great church planters
7. District Superintendent's job is restructured to allow him to be a full-time Pastor. His job would be vision and leadership by example. District staff under him would serve the district at his direction, in the same way that as a worship leader or youth pastor serve the church under the direction of their Senior Pastor.
8. Only tithes of Senior Pastor would go to the District- all staff Pastor tithes would go to church planting.
9. All churches would be required to financially support a specific church plant. No exceptions.
10. No credential holders could renew credentials if they had not personally brought in and baptized a new believer themselves (apart from their leadership role) int he past year.
Do you think any of these might help us get going toward reaching the lost 83% of our communities? Which ones should be discussed further? Are any of them so bad that the person who thought them up should be shot at sunrise? What could you offer as an idea to help?
Posted by
Gerry Stoltzfoos
12:43 PM