Monday, April 6, 2009

The cold Northeast

By now I'm sure many of you noticed the Newsweek article this week (check it here) called The End of Christian America. Interesting and sad stuff.

On my watch (I've been in ministry for about 25 years), Christianity in America has dropped precipitously, dropping an additional 10 points since 1990. Newsweek is declaring the triumph of post-christian culture, and how wonderful it is that we are more open politically because of it.

One of the pieces of information that grabbed my attention quickly, was that the Northeast now leads the country in religiously unaffiliated people. This of course, is our area and our challenge.

As I pray about this, however, I tend to see one possible light at the end of this dismal tunnel. This could be what Seth Godin calls "the dip", that spot where developmental progress hits an all-time low just before it explodes into the greatest growth season of all time.

God help us turn this slide into a growth curve. God helps us somehow see Christianity grow in 'market share' in our lifetime. God help me not need to face retirement having spent my whole ministry working hard, but not seeing the turn-a-round that rescues my nation from hopeless and helpless decline.

It's interesting and sad that I don't know of anyone who has a definitive plan or idea that is likely to turn this nation around. We need leaders with such a passion, such a plan, and such a likely outcome!

"Give me souls or I die"

1 comment:

Richard Earl said...

The plan is birthed in hearts of passion like yours Gerry. As we work and wait on God, keeping our ears open and hands clean, we place ourselves in the realm of His creative power to do the very things you dream of.