Saturday, December 8, 2007

Dr. Wood in State College

He doesn't sing like Take 6 (to my knowledge), but Dr. George Wood will be our special guest the weekend of January 13 at State College Assembly of God.

Saturday evening, January 12, State College Assembly will be hosting a free dinner for any A/G credential holders who would wish to attend. The time is 6-8 pm. After dinner, there will be an opportunity for Q&A with our new General Superintendent. If you were able and wished to stay over for Sunday morning, of course you would be most welcome.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP (this is essential) no later than Friday, December 28 by emailing

We'll even give a free ticket to #26.:)


David Crosby said...

He might not sing like Take 6, but he can preach like Jesus :) I'll be there. Thanks Paul.

Paul said...

It'll be great to have you with us, David. I wish I could be there for Take 6--they're one of my favorite groups. I'm sure you'll have an awesome evening.